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Cast-iron stoves for a bath Vanguard

5,780.00 руб. Ex Tax: 5,780.00 руб.

Kit AVANGARD 24 Brick Serpentine

Serpentine - a rock mined in the Urals. Beautiful appearance with a greenish tint, lends itself well..

5,610.00 руб. Ex Tax: 5,610.00 руб.

Kit AVANGARD ZK 24 (M) Brick Serpentine

Serpentine - a rock mined in the Urals. Beautiful appearance with a greenish tint, lends itself well..

5,361.80 руб. Ex Tax: 5,361.80 руб.

Set AVANGARD 24 Brick Soapstone

Talkohlorite is the most common and widely known stone used for lining furnaces and finishing steam ..

5,032.00 руб. Ex Tax: 5,032.00 руб.

Set AVANGARD ZK 24(M) Brick Soapstone

Talkohlorite is the most common and widely known stone used for lining furnaces and finishing steam ..

7,378.00 руб. Ex Tax: 7,378.00 руб.

Set AVANGARD ZK 40 (P2) Brick Soapstone

Talkohlorite is the most common and widely known stone used for lining furnaces and finishing steam ..

187.00 руб. Ex Tax: 187.00 руб.

Branch 90 hail cast iron f115

    Cast iron gate block is an element that is installed on starting GEFEST cast..

224.40 руб. Ex Tax: 224.40 руб.

Branch 90 hail cast iron f130

    Cast iron gate block is an element that is installed on starting GEFEST cast..

635.80 руб. Ex Tax: 635.80 руб.

Cast iron gate module 115/1000

    The cast iron gate module is the first element that is installed on the furn..

448.80 руб. Ex Tax: 448.80 руб.

Cast iron gate module 115/500

    The cast iron gate module is the first element that is installed on the furn..

693.60 руб. Ex Tax: 693.60 руб.

Cast iron gate module 130/1000

    The cast iron gate module is the first element that is installed on the furn..

486.20 руб. Ex Tax: 486.20 руб.

Cast iron gate module 130/500

    The cast iron gate module is the first element that is installed on the furn..

2,356.20 руб. Ex Tax: 2,356.20 руб.

Cast iron stove for a bath AVANGARD (AVANTGARDE) ZK 24M

Avangard 24 is a new concept of a cast iron heat storage sauna stove with direct charge heating. The..

2,675.80 руб. Ex Tax: 2,675.80 руб.

Cast iron stove for a bath AVANGARD (AVANTGARDE) ZK 24P2

Avangard 24 is a new concept of a cast iron heat storage sauna stove with direct charge heating. The..

3,274.20 руб. Ex Tax: 3,274.20 руб.

Cast iron stove for a bath AVANGARD (AVANTGARDE) ZK 30P2

Avangard 30 is a new concept of a cast-iron heat storage sauna stove with direct charge heating. The..

4,080.00 руб. Ex Tax: 4,080.00 руб.

Cast iron stove for a bath AVANGARD (AVANTGARDE) ZK 40P2

Avangard 40 is a new concept of a cast-iron hot-storage sauna stove with direct charge heating.The c..
Showing 1 to 15 of 28 (2 Pages)

A new model range in the line of Hephaestus lining furnaces.

The stove has a distinctive design from the usual models of Hephaestus stoves. The design of the furnace provides for direct heating of the charge (cast iron cones). A special technology inside the heater contributes to intensive heating of the side walls of the stove, thereby accelerating the convection heating of the air in the steam room. Also, the Vanguard bath oven is adapted for the installation of Hephaestus starter modules with a sliding block on it.

The Vanguard sauna stove has been made available to the public. Despite the fact that the oven is in the middle price segment, it combines the quality of Hephaestus and all the necessary functions of GFS ZK ovens.